Life is like a Cup of Coffee
I got this article from a directer when I graduated from the Rolfing Institute and this inspired to me a lot. For me, it is really...

“Spontaneous Detoxification”- A Rolfing™ Experience
"I recommend Coko’s Rolfing treatment full heartily. Trust your intuition and sign up for a full series of 10 session. I am glad I did...
The basics of GOOD POSTURE
Many people suffer from “sitting habit syndorom” nowadays and this is one of the biggest cause for all chronic discomfort. Varier, a...

Body Of Water
We know that life began in the oceans. Over many eons, organic compounds derived from seawater developed into proteins. Some of these...

Bliss is this Yoga & JellyFish Club Presents : Flow & Glow Yoga
This weekend we have a special guest Yoga ‘Journeyman’ bringing his teachings from around the world. Kyle Carisse is an internationally...

Life is like a cup of coffee ~Resonance to the taste~
All cups are different but we drink coffee from a pot is the same. My cup and your cup are different but we drink the same coffee....

Nature….as a human being
By nature,especially as a human being, my interests are not independent of others. My happiness depends on others’ happiness. So when I...

Rolfing™ Structural Integration for Performance Enhancement
Athletes love to more their bodies. I often see athletes when they are recovering from an injury or are looking for performance...