Is your body a Rolfed body? ~The basic ten series~
The basic Rolfing ten series creates the foundation and adaptability to change. It guides the client to a higher level of body awareness...
Bio Sonic Sound Healing
Bio Sonic Sound Healing is a cell leveled harmonic resonance therapy using a sonic sound system and hands on work that treats: chronic...
Sonic Sound Therapy was talked about on Dr.Oz show!
Dr. Mitch Gayner introduces the Kita Sound Healing Peace Creating Machine at around 3:10 in Part 2. Dr. Oz Video Sonic Therapy Is the...
Yin and Yang
Hi Everyone, Have you checked out the logo design of “Coko Bodybalance”? There are some interesting ideas and themes included in it-...
Hay Fever!
Hi Everyone, Although the weather is still cold in Sydney, I can feel that spring is coming because I, and the people around me, are...
City 2 Surf
Hi Guys, I know tomorrow is the City 2 Surf marathon. For all sporty guys out there who will do the 14 something kilometers make sure you...
New Website Promotion
Hello, I just opened my new website. I am very excited. Hope you like it. I am new to making a blog and posting articles! But I am not...