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Sound Healing workshop ~May 18th, 19th



During the weekend we’ll share the gentle yet powerful healing ability of sound and vibration. We’ll discuss and play with the various types of sounds and vibrations that you can introduce to both your work and personal experience.

Group Participation:

We’ll play a variety of instruments, singing bowels and our own voice to create a sonic environment where we come together as our own unique orchestra. A sonic environment is created through specific use of the instruments and voice and the order of their use.

It is through adding and subtracting these layers that we move through the experience in an intuitive way. We’ll learn to tap into our own intuition and participate with a deep sensitivity for what is needed in the moment.

Individual & Partnered Practicum:

During the workshop you’ll have an opportunity to try and experience each of the Sound Healing modalities for yourself. You’ll then be partnered in groups of threes to learn through both giving and receiving Sound Healing sessions first in the main gallery area, then in one of our two private rooms.


This course is for both medical and wellness practitioners as well as caregivers. At the end of the workshop you will receive a Sound Healing Therapist certificate and be fully qualified to administer Sound Healing to your patients, clients and those in your care.

What to bring:

For much of the workshop we’ll be on mats on the floor. Please dress in loose comfortable clothing. Feel free to bring your own yoga mat, pillow, sweater or shawl, small blanket, sealed jar or water bottle. There is a kitchen with water, tea and snacks as well as a washroom available for your use.

There is free parking behind the clinic for your use during the weekend.

Workshop Hours:

This workshop runs 10:00AM-5:30PM on Sunday & 10:00AM-4:00PM on Victoria Day Monday.

Workshop Fee:

Admission is on a sliding scale from $100-$250. Please bring cash or credit card with you on the morning of the workshop.

Workshop Facilitator:

Coko Mayuko is a certified Reflexologist, Rolfer and Sound Healing Practitioner and Instructor. She trained at various institutes around the globe including Japan, Australia and the USA. She is the only Kita-Sound Healing Therapist in Canada and one of only four in North America. She has over 10-years of training and hands-on experience in many areas of bodywork and sound.

As a Sound Healing Therapist, she has worked with patients suffering from insomnia and trauma at the Body and Mind Program, Tokyo Medical Centre, Japan. Coko believes in natural healing and the ability of the human body to heal itself. She take a wholenss viewpoint, not only the physical but the emotional and how they interact at the conscious and unconscious levels. She believes that movement and sound impact our emotional states.

She teaches in an easy, fluid style that is both playful and deeply intuitive. For more information on Coko Mayuko visit

Date: May 18th (10:00am~5:30pm), 19th( 10:00am~4:00pm)

Location: Vital Health Mwdical and Wellness in Kitsilano (1855 West 4th Ave Vancouver BC)

Contact & Registration : 604.315.6140

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